#6: a foundation of bricks

badass…a little thick around the middle by IM standardsneeds to be somewhere in the emaciated range to have that“tri-athlete look”. OK, by the 2 hour mark on the bike today, I was looking for something different to occupy my mind.  I had already watched Harry Potter and so took a brief moment to scroll through the free on-demand choices…..wouldn’t you know it, Enter the Dragon was a “new” free release……who can argue with a little 1973 action legend…..no doubt when […]

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#5: Go go gadget trainer

For the most part, I’m a gadget guy.  iPhone junkie, HUGE fan of the iPad and even though not much of a “gamer”, that kinect thing that Microsoft came up with looks pretty unbelievable. When it comes to my endurance training…..it’s no different.  At this point, I don’t think I could live without my Garmin 305;  I think our remote coaching software (powered by trainingpeaks) could be one of the easiest and most effective training tools around…..but when it comes to gadgets, […]

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#4: Training w/the Fat Man

So I went into Christmas week with what I thought were pretty reasonable training goals:1. Eat sensibly2. Get +/- 10 hours of training.3. TT on bike4. Get in 3 “longs”Well…..I got the time-trial done…..This week was the first (hopefully not of many) rounds of the fight between a body that needs to train and a mind that’s elsewhere.  R1 goes to the lazy mind.Week of 12/20 in Review:Training: 8.25 hours (+/-.75 swim + 5 bike + 2.5 run).  Had to […]

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