About M.E.
Mike Eisenhart is a husband and father of three, a son, a brother to 5 and an uncle to many. Mike is also a physical therapist, a health consultant, one of Pro-Activity’s senior partners and a self-proclaimed mad scientist on the move; a passionate subject matter expert in the realms of injury and disease prevention, as well as human performance and achievement. Mike can usually be found pushing himself (and the status quo) either on behalf of his clients or in an effort to live his personal mission of being a “doer of extraordinary things” toward his personal vision “better health for every American in this lifetime”.
Mike Eisenhart is a leader in the physical therapy profession having held posts at the local, state and national levels for the American Physical Therapy association, the nation’s largest professional association for physical therapists including the role of President of the association’s NJ chapter and as an elected member of the national nominating committee. In addition, as one of the profession’s top innovators and influencers, formally recognized in 2013 for work done on Pro-Activity’s Prevention Model and as a recipient of the “Societal Impact Award” (2018), Mike is a tireless advocate of Prevention, Health Promotion and Population Health efforts and the Physical Therapist’s role within. He is the founding member of The Academy of Prevention and Health Promotion Therapies a professional collaborative of doers who are working locally to help individuals, populations and communities to turn and face health. You can usually find him (often loudly) making this case from a position “upstream”…..”where the people are”.