#53: 278 days until Ironman Red-emption!

I started getting my head together and planning out (high-level) the next phase of training moving toward Ironman US Championships in NYC next August.  Never too early to start planning right?  Well, when it comes to Ironman, because of the limited choices and the growing popularity of the sport, this holds true.  In a sense, I’ve been planning this out (loosely) since May 8th (the day after St. Geo), but now it’s getting time to get serious.Phase-1 was to get […]

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#52b: the life of a pinball, part II

And now, page 2:When I wrapped up the first half of #52, I was standing in the lobby at an internet kiosk in downtown DC as my weary post-marathon passengers patiently looked on.  Being the weekend’s chauffeur they extended me a few minutes of extra patience as I finished typing……but I could tell they were ready to hit the road.So where were we?Friday after cutting out of BaseCamp31 a little early we packed the truckster and piled 4 adults and 2 […]

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#52: the life of a pinball

Pinball….ping-pong……tennis ball….racquet ball…..these are the objects I most relate to this week.  No, not the pinball wizard…..although last week had me feeling like I was going down that road……I realized maybe I wasn’t controlling the pinball, but perhaps riding on top of it.  Amazing ride for sure…..but the rebound leaves you a little sore. Week started out as week 3 of the “3-up” portion of my training month.  I was feeling pretty solid and even a bit confident.  Was staring a […]

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