Is Strong the Future?

Originally posted to Pro-Activity’s work-injury prevention clients as part of their weekly communication. Spoiler summary: are evolving science and cultural shifts paving the way for a “strength” revival? Did you ever get the feeling you were witnessing something really important? You know, seeing something and saying to yourself “that’s going to be a big deal”? Sometimes it’s not in a particular moment or amazing thing but looking back on a pattern of things happening and realizing, like building blocks or […]

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Big 5! Is this ME?

I just took “the Big 5” HERE after seeing research HERE related to PT personality traits as reported HERE And this is me: A O70-C89-E53-A8-N27 Big Five!!   My Take O: 70th percentile – probably reasonable. C: 89th percentile – a nice surprise, I don’t really think of myself as particularly organized E: 53rd percentile – probably right….definitely not a true extrovert, but not full introvert either….I guess this confirms “Ambivert” A:8th percentile – Yikes!  This has me a little concerned….lo, my instinct […]

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One big (mostly) happy family — #PPS2015

I’m getting better at traveling. Although not particularly fond of being away and I’m not sure I’ll ever trade my trusty REI backpack for one of those snazzy 4 caster rollers I see everywhere, I haven’t had to sprint through the airport recently and even the trams in Atlanta have started to make sense to me, so I think I’m improving.  Since I had a few minutes I decided to get my daily news about stories I care about from […]

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