#36: Ducks, Fireworks and Birthday wishes…..and some training too.

After getting all of my mental ducks in a row last week and officially getting back into a training mindset, I was able to string a pretty good effort together. 3 solid runs, 3 short but intense sessions on the bike, a swim and a short strength/stability session to round it all out.  This week was all about trading duration for intensity as I’m continuing to find myself tight on time; but with the local festival over (which stole a […]

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#35: The REDEMPTION tour starts NOW!

If last week was about motivation and understanding the why…..this week was time to make it official and get both feet firmly back onto the road to redemption.  After dragging my feet a little and missing the official deadline I was able to make a last minute plea to the race director, and successfully got entered in the NJ State Triathlon, which, for me was the first milestone in my multisport journey.  Last July, I entered this Olympic Distance (.9mi swim […]

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#34: c’mon Pyle, get up that hill….persist

The last few weeks of training have been suspect…..but I’ve been trying to pop in to BC31 to get some strength work in when I can (which is needed)…..and then a funny thing happened to me….someone asked me a really obvious, but incredibly difficult to answer question  “what motivated you to keep going with this stuff?”……my answer was pretty much an “I don’t really know”…..I think I actually said, “it gets under your skin, you just do”….but then I really […]

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