#99: a “pick-up game of marathon?” WHAT?

So awesome for us to be a part of the Sandy Relief this way.  A whole new spin on the RED-iculous.  IMAGINE what can be done when you’re willing to do the RED-iculous and so are your friends!Friday 11/2Idea for marathon 1:30PIdea socialized to colleagues on 2:30P conference callIdea to GO at 3POnline Donation and Website up by 4PVolunteers recruited by 5PTrail portion cleared of downed trees 5P-8PSaturday 11/3Race course signage created, posted and promoted 930A – 930PSunday 11/4Final course prep […]

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#98: Little steps forward are steps forward

I love incremental progress…..it’s arguably one of the most important forces in my life……being a guy with pretty lofty goals in general, and more specific to this blog, RED-iculous goals in triathlon, it keeps me focused on the long term, and yet adds fuel to the motivational fire required to stay after it.  Being a generally inpatient person, it has tempered me enough to not feel the frustration of not getting “there” fast enough, and yet, at the same time, […]

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#97: IMKONA 2012 does not disappoint, now get on with it

Raise your hand if you were glued to a computer yesterday watching the livestream of Ironman World Championships in Kona?  Seriously, raise your hand……..wait, I’m the only one with my hand up…….again……..Alright, I’ll wear it proud, I watched pretty much uninterrupted from when the Pro’s started filtering into T2……and I LOVED it.  Love being the key word there, as winner Pete Jacobs so clearly described in his speech.  It was a good one, with lots of different subplots along the way……but […]

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