Thunder & Lightning? Sure. Iron-will Required?…….Welcome to Lake Placid

**DISCLAIMER** This is a post-race report – AND IT’S LONG – if you read to the end, you’ll know why.The last time I sat down to write was April 13th.  That was a long long time ago.  In addition to the actual time – 90+ days ago – there were more than 1,900 miles logged on the bike, nearly 76,000 yards in the pool and 330+ miles of running…..and let’s be honest – that takes some time, so something has […]

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#123 Finding the will to prepare to win

That was my mantra this week….and will continue to be my mantra for a while because for the next few months – that’s the name of the game.  “The will to prepare to win” – harder than it sounds. Last week ended on a somewhat sour note – I was forced to listen to my over-trained and under-well body…..and drop my training volume down by almost 40% to give myself some recovery time.  This was pretty frustrating, but I knew […]

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#119 Too sore to soar….and other homophones

Blogging helps me to keep my head on straight, but the truth is, I usually look to have the blog done and posted before 6P EST so the evening is wrapped up and over.  However tonight, there was a little extra studying that needed to be done including NJ history and spelling words.  Growing up I hated history…..and without spellcheck and the red squiggly line, I’d be done-for….math & science: no problem; writing & projects: OK…..but history? Spelling?  Yikes.  And […]

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