#18: I love it when a plan comes together

In the Eisenhart household, we were pretty sheltered when it came to the luxuries that “everybody else” got growing up, including TV (getting “cable” was a huge deal…..even just the free channels), but we did love those all American classics like Knight Rider, the Greatest American Hero (sing it with me, believe it or not, I’m walking on air) and of course the A-Team.  So, if you were a product of the awesome television era too, the title of this […]

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#17: Walk the thin line now, or plan on walking later

And this is where the line between training hard and too hard begins to blur. It’s a time when training discipline is really about pushing toward greater heights AND YET leaving enough of the body intact to perform to your fullest on race day……..and I’m really trying hard to prove to myself that I have enough wisdom to get it right.  Here’s the trick: 7 weeks left before race day…..sounds like enough time to make a  solid final training push, but […]

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#16: welcome to build phase, a game of (mental) blocks and struggle

First….I feel like given the destruction in Japan, the unrest in the middle east and the struggle all over the world, it’s important that I say this…..I realize I’m training for what ultimately amounts to a game…..something that in the grand scheme of things, takes no more than a speck of the endurance that has been and will continue to be exhibited by people all over the world……and so, my thoughts & prayers are with those around the world who […]

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