#21 It’s all about Trainin’, Racin’ and Trippin’

TRAININ’This week was the final training week before I begin to do my “Peak” weeks.  I pledged to hit it strong and I’m pretty pleased with the results.  On Monday I had a “pseudo-day-off”……a true day off is a pretty rare thing for me, so with the weather report looking better than average, my schedule open enough to pull it off, and very few cycling miles logged on actual roads, I pulled the trigger.It was to be my final endurance […]

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#20 Getting a little long in tooth……a birthday, some recovery and a little uplift

This was a really wild week for me….even though training was super super light.  After 20 weeks of formal training and way more than that if you consider it from the actual beginning of this triathlon thing, it was the first week in a while where I decided it would make the most sense to just shut down.  This was really a hard decision for me, and I’m certain I’ll second guess it at some point, but it was undoubtedly […]

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#19: Intensity, simulations, snot-rockets and some very tight fitting clothes that don’t match in the least…..it was a good week

Buckle up kids, this is where the ride gets bumpy…..just before we settle in for a smooth landing I hope….after the base training period(s) where things are slow and steady and the build training where we start pushing it some, comes a little self-torture called “the race simulation”…..where, for some reason, we try to acclimate (somewhat) to what the race is going to be like…..and if this week was any real indication of what the race is going to be […]

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