#48: Saddle sores and scar tissue

In general, the formula for me to get to Kona shouldn’t be that complex:  get stronger at all three sports, learn the game, stay focused and be consistent over the long term. No doubt, over the last 30-45 days, the consistency has taken a serious hit.  Reasons for this were legit; a lot going on…..but if I’m really going to get there, I needed to get things right.  Last week was clearly the mental lift that I needed to get […]

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#47: Caught in an updraft….

Did you ever have one of those days (or maybe if you’re really lucky a few days strung together) where things start to click?  Maybe not for you personally, or not only you, but for those around you? Where the energy is so positive it has a contagious effect?  If you haven’t experienced that….it’s time to find some new people to hang around…..if you have, you know it’s pretty cool.I’ve decided to call this an “updraft” (the antithesis of the […]

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#46: This too shall pass…..after every challenge, a new beginning

Now that it’s almost 10P, I guess I should sit down long enough to write my blog; squeeze it in……a parallel to my life right now.  It’s been another crazy-busy week, arguably the busiest, which all but negated any training I had planned to do. This is a bummer since I’ve still got my sights set on a marathon (10/15?) this fall and I can sort of feel my goals slipping away due to the lack of training. Also, this […]

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