#102: On guts and grit – success goes to the fighters

Today I learned one of the toughest lessons in sport, something that I knew was coming, but never really anticipated would be quite like it was……..something that I don’t think I was 100% ready for.  Today, I sent my youngest to the wolves a little bit and then had to stand back and see how he would survive.  Today I learned that “sometimes it’s harder to NOT do than it is to do”.For years my youngest child (and only son) […]

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#101 Reshuffling the deck

Thanksgiving has come and gone and December is all but here.  I find myself tired, but so ready for the next phase of the year.  I love the holidays as much as the next guy and although a bit early for me to get excited for Christmas and way way too early to even begin to think about shopping (don’t want to ruin my record of waiting until the very very last minute), that’s not what I’m feeling ready for. […]

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#100 – ooh baby it’s a wild world

It’s been a few weeks since I last sat down to write…..not a whole lot to write about on the training front…..way too much going on in almost every other facet of life.  In an effort to spare you the details…..here’s the short version: Went to a conference in Vegas….but I’m told what goes on there…..you know…..is supposed to stay there, so I’m sworn to secrecy.  I’ll just say that the place is the epicenter of RED-iculousness.  There’s really nothing […]

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