Part 2, Episode 2: Carpe Diem – Get busy livin’

When I was blogging regularly, I always found Sunday to be a great day to do so.  It helped me gather my thoughts and focus for the week ahead….maybe I’ll get back into that habit….we’ll see….but for now, I’ll just continue the story where the last session left off and commit to writing in 500 word segments (or less).  Thanks to @chinzeDPT for reminding me how much I love the “Red” (fitting) quote – it ties in nicely….so where were […]

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Growing old or growing up? Part II

What am I going to do when I grow up?  The last time I asked this question out loud was….well….less than a month ago.  I wish I were kidding.  Despite rapidly approaching “midlife”, I still feel like a kid most of the time….an energy that has served me well – but not always.  Usually around this time of the year (birthday approaching and winter pushing me to my wit’s end), I start getting cagey. I start thinking about how to do more…how […]

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The (RED-iculously hard) work of change – the work we love.

“A short preamble” (credit to Jerry Durham “what I believe”)Change is hard.  Sure, it’s obvious at some level…..but let it sink in a little deeper.  Let the statement soak all the way in.  It’s really really hard.  Sometimes, as much as we think we want the change (or know we need it), we’d rather things just stayed the “old way”….the comfortable way.  We’re willing to tell ourselves half-truths in hopes that we don’t have to change “all the way”….that maybe […]

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