#24: 5 days to go…….gear is en route

Since yesterday was my final “hard” training day, today was a day off from any significant training effort…….and so I put my time to good use:  Packing & Sending my gear.  Whew!  There’s a bunch…..just add ANOTHER pricey transaction associated with IM Racing to the mix.  By the time you throw in a couple of helmets, a bike pump a bunch of water bottles, fuel belts, racing gear + shoes (running and biking), some tools for bike adjustment, spare tubes, […]

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#23 Final Prep and a little motivation…..6 days before lift off

Ground Control to Major Tom; Commencing countdown engines on……Check ignition and may God’s love be with you…… Well, if you know the song, I’m hoping for a bit more pleasant outcome than the good major had, but to a certain extent, that’s what this week was for me……the beginning of the countdown….the final hard sets, testing the armor and getting ready for take off.  So even though it was a solid training week, I figured I’d save the great detail […]

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#22 Test taking anxiety, “Aero” Peter Cottontail and getting ready for ANYTHING

Wait…..first things first….THANKS for reading.  I’m over 1000 views (this was my goal)….but don’t stop reading now, it’s just getting to the good part! THE LAST PUSH So this week I found myself getting near the final training stretch before the “big race”…….and it has been a very interesting week to say the least……after having a blast in Boston acting as PACER for my brother Eric who despite having to pull some gutsy “dig-down” moments out of his hat, was […]

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