#33 weak week, fun race, a great team and stormchasing……

Storms on the horizon?After racing from Lake Placid back to NJ last Sunday (in an effort to make it home for the last call g’nights) it was back to the real world, the beginning of a long stretch of getting back into my groove.  Work had piled up (small business owners NEVER complain about this…..but a challenge nonetheless); dad stock was nearing its 52 week-low from spending so much time putting final touches on BaseCamp31 (#bc31 for you tweet-ers) and […]

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#32: So this one time…..at Triathlon camp…..

I set the wheels in motion this week to make another jump toward the end goal by attending a weekend long training camp in Lake Placid, NY.  Part reconnaissance, part learning, part training session, it was a pretty cool experience.  Seeing the course first hand has so much benefit in building a strategy and getting to meet some other athletes and hearing their stories is very cool as well. On one end of the spectrum, the once collegiate level cross […]

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#31: A new chapter, you’ve arrived at BaseCamp

18 months ago (or thereabouts) I sat in an auction to place a bid on a building that would, if the day went as planned, be the new home of our operations.  We got the building and shortly thereafter, started the long winding road of renovating and opening our new place.  We decided that we would call it BaseCamp31 (ironic that this is “episode #31” of my blog don’t you think?), which any person who has ever made the trek […]

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