#42: Endurance of a totally different kind

What can you possibly learn about endurance at a funeral?  More than you might think actually……at least I felt like I did…..and even though this is one of my least favorite reasons to travel, which forced me to come up with alternate plans b/c my training on Friday as well as (my long-run) on the weekend was going to be boxed out, the trip to South Miami wasn’t all bad. JUST LIKE OLD TIMES So after a week which started […]

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#41: A doer of extraordinary things?

Two years ago, I decided to challenge our staff to write down what they “wanted to be when they grew up”….i.e. what their personal mission was.  Although I’m never sure how much others get out of my crazy ideas….it was a great exercise for me. After really thinking about it, I could only come up with a few simple unwavering ideas, a platform for my envisioned life: 1. I want to be a doer…….i.e. not a talker, not a dreamer, not […]

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#40: Success is so relative…..and that’s what keeps us in the game

This week was a good one although a little unusual for me.  Coming off a solid effort at NJ State Oly, I felt good, but not great about my performance there.  I tend to be from that “your own toughest critic” mentality a lot of the time, and so every time I didn’t do what it takes to be first (which is every time in this relatively new world of endurance sports for me) I find myself thinking through all […]

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