#88: Sun baked, sand blasted and salted: OBX Train-cation

That’s about right. This week was my “train-cation”.  As I’ve mentioned, the idea was to use the family vacation in the Outer Banks of North Carolina to my advantage getting as much training in the hot (and notoriously windy) terrain that this little strip of beach can offer.  With Ironman in August, I’m pretty much resolved to the fact that it’s going to be hot and humid, so why not get a week of real heat tolerance work right?  Well, […]

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#84: Are we there yet? NO.

This was my down week, the 1/2 step back before my final training push.  With Ironman US Championships a mere 40 days away, I’m basically gearing up for 4 weeks of high intensity AND high volume (overload) work, prior to 2 weeks of “peaking” in order to have everything come together just at the right moment.  With that focus, I used the extra time not required for training this week (somewhere around 3-5 hours) to take a mental inventory of […]

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#82 The line between breakthrough and breakdown

Last week was meant to push me toward a breakthrough, another big step in training and fitness.  It was long on miles, heavy on workload and fatiguing; and as it turned out, there wasn’t enough time in the week.  When I got to the YMCA after writing my last blog entry, I came to realize they close @ 8P on Sunday……so my long swim would have to wait until Monday.  Having a little more time to relax was welcoming, but […]

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