#96: Oh Far cryin’ out loud – that was cool

It’s been 2 weeks, so here goes another off season status update on the RED-iculous….. and the slow move back into inspired training.  If you recall a few weeks back I was riding the high of watching a good group of athlete-friends get their “liberty bell” at the RNR Philly 1/2 marathon……a great motivator for me…..THE GOOD I took the bike out a couple of times for a few miles and (despite the burning legs/lungs) felt GREAT even though after […]

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#95: What inspires you? Thank you Philly.

It’s sort of funny what the weeks following a race can do to you.  From hyper-focused and locked-in with every little part of daily life acting as part of a tightly scripted series of events……to a whole different animal, where it’s so easy to feel tired and lazy, where the day sort of “gets away” and often I’m left feeling like something is missing.  This is the time of my season when I start searching, just that little bit lost […]

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#94: Fat & Happy? Time to start looking….

It’s been 3 weeks (22 days if you’re one of those “exacting” types) since I last sat down to spill my story.  Feels like no time and forever all at once, a time period that is generally sufficient to let the damage heal, put some of life’s pieces back together, get to the other side of the post-race mild depression, be a Dad again, find out that eating like an Ironman without training like an Ironman is a recipe for […]

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