#121 – Positively Contagious – the funny way things work out.

The last couple of weeks have been very interesting and maybe even enlightening for me – from my professional “world” right through the charitable “world” and into the world of training.  It’s never a bad thing (entirely) – because there’s always something to be learned from the situation you’re in – but there are moments that just make you scratch your head and wonder.  Unfortunately the stories are not even worthy of blogging about – but the results are; that’s […]

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#68 A cautious return to the starting blocks

This was my favorite caution sign With “official” training scheduled to start on March 1st, last week wasn’t exactly the blast out of the gates and big-entrance to the training season I was looking for…..a torqued left heel and the subsequent ripple-effect “you’d be wise to leave me alone for a bit” messages from my body combined with a crazy kid activity weekend became a down training week pretty quickly……these things happen I guess…..well they do to me anyway…..but it’s […]

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