#30: Reflections, Resumption and Redemption…..

So here we are, now two weeks post IM St. George……..and I’ve now gone through all of the stages of the post-race depression cycle, you know:  jubilation -> what-if -> shoulda-coulda -> if-only -> pig out b/c you can -> feel the effects of eating garbage -> what now? -> realize you’re missing it -> look for a rebound relationship -> AND FINALLY get back in the saddle.   If you’ve done an endurance race you know what I’m referring […]

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#29: Swim, Bike, Desert Death March, wait what?

It being Sunday……my normal day to post, I guess I should, I had a pretty eventful weekend…..and since it took me 14 hours to finish this thing…..I thought I owed it to you to give you 14 hours of stories (OK, maybe not that long….).. 🙂LATE NIGHT, EARLY MORNING…..IT’S ALL IN THE PERSPECTIVE:What started with a crazy travel debacle (family flew from Philly to Houston to Phoenix to Salt Lake and then DROVE the nearly 5 hours to get to […]

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#28: 1 day out: The last look over the cliff

Well it’s here, the final-final, the very last day of race prep.   So far it’s been eventful and now it’s time to chill.  The day started pretty quietly and over my cheerios I did some planning and putting together my swim to bike bag, which along with my bike needed to be checked in today.  With that in hand and after realizing the hard way I made the mistake of doing this BEFORE getting my cup of coffee….I hit the […]

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