#57: Battle-scars, Bests and Beer-chasers . Red-emption in Rehoboth?

“Why do you do this stuff to us? All we do is work and THIS is how you repay us? What good could possibly come of it?”   Actually, it was the R Pain has a funny way of making you think doesn’t it?  As I sit here “the morning after” marathon doing a little body-inventory, I imagine that if I could translate, into actual words, the message being sent from my right hip & friends to my brain, it […]

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#52: the life of a pinball

Pinball….ping-pong……tennis ball….racquet ball…..these are the objects I most relate to this week.  No, not the pinball wizard…..although last week had me feeling like I was going down that road……I realized maybe I wasn’t controlling the pinball, but perhaps riding on top of it.  Amazing ride for sure…..but the rebound leaves you a little sore. Week started out as week 3 of the “3-up” portion of my training month.  I was feeling pretty solid and even a bit confident.  Was staring a […]

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#50: The day after….oooh faa

Ah….race weekend hangover; a little “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”……and “life goes on” all wrapped together with some “that was pretty awesome”.  After several weeks of a blitzing event organization to throw together OhFar, the (first) incredibly ambitious event that combined cross country racing with a gorgeous farm day on preserved land in a festival atmosphere.  It was also the day that on the other side of the earth the 33rd running of another event […]

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