#111 – Testing, Distractions and a welcome-back WHACK

I guess I always imagine it might be more like the prodigal son’s return – you know open arms, a welcoming embrace and a small party…..but it’s never quite like that.  It’s something more akin to a welcoming headbutt or kick to the shins, as if my body is saying “oh great, look who’s back…..where the hell have you been – WHACK” – it’s a sure-fire way of knowing that I’m at the early part of training…..and not all parties […]

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#110 – Making plans – with 34 weeks to go, it’s good crazy.

It’s only crazy if…. I love the movie Braveheart – it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. Yes, Mel Gibson appears to have largely gone crazy, and yes, that makes me a fan of a (largely) crazy-person…..but it’s still a great movie.  When I sat down to reflect on this week, that was what popped into my head….  Not because I relate to the character (or the actor per se), but because at some point, it has to […]

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#109: Wait, was that a cry for help? YES….HELP

If the vision is to cross the finish where it all began, the mission is to get to the starting line. On 10/11/14 it would taste better IN HAWAII Where do you want to be 35 weeks from today?  If you’re anything like me, it’s difficult to say where you’ll actually be in a few days, let alone 245 days into the future. But where you’ll actually be and where you want to be are two totally different questions. The […]

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