#74: The mystery machine stops here….no more foolin’ this guy
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There’s no doubt I have a long way to go in my training before this year’s “big” race, IMNYC on 8/11…..110 days to be exact, but, dare I say it, things SEEM to be starting to come together. St. George last year, the train wreck that it was for me, is delivering exactly what I hoped it might this go around…..PERSPECTIVE. At some moments, it’s the nagging voice in the back of my mind that says – “respect the distance, layers of bricks, get out there, you’ll be happy you did”……and then at other times it’s the motivator telling me “you know you can get through this…..it wasn’t pretty, but it doesn’t have to be….you found a way in Utah, so find a way now”. This weekend it was the bully who I so badly wanted to punch “you think it’s hot now? Heh, heh, wait until August”…..”legs getting a little tired? Yeah…..they do that…..heh, heh”…..and even after meeting most of my goals for the week’s training, it got the better of me on my brick on Saturday…..PERSPECTIVE: it was still a largely successful workout (long enough and fast enough on the bike), but a hot, hilly 5 mile run-portion got the better of me this time and as I wobbled myself up the driveway, in and out of the shower and across the street (literally) for kid # 2’s soccer game (which, admittedly I drove to b/c I wasn’t sure I’d get there in time if I walked), it was made very clear to me that I lost this round.
Mike (walking by the group of soccer parents): “Hi”
Soccer Parent #1 (who know’s what I’m training for): “tough workout today? you look like you’re in pain”
Mike (trying to muster up something funny to say, but failing to find anything): “I’m pretty beat”
Soccer Parent #1 (who has done some endurance events): “what’d you do today”
Mike (a bit defeated): “70 on the bike, 5 run”
Soccer Parent #2: “did he say 70?” which to me sounded like: “that sounds dreadful”
Mike (in his head): “I couldn’t agree more…..it was”.
And I slumped down and tried to put some calories down…..which, with 40 ounces of water seemed to do the trick.
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I wish this were a belt buckle! |
Sure, I set myself up for it a little, picking a fairly steep climb to run right off the bike, but that’s pretty much what the run course does (200 feet of gain in the first mile?)…….and doing so in the hottest part of the day…..but that’s what I feel like I need to be ready for…..so, even though it took me a full day to say this, and mean it that is…..I say, bring it on bully-voice-in-my-head……I’m coming after you this time……because the mystery is over…..I know what’s in store for me…..and I’m willing to pay the price……it’ll be worth it.
So where do things stand?
- Got my 11+ hours of training at this point (still have some stretch and stability work tonight) this week and as I had hoped for a good chunk of it was on the bike: +/135 miles worth. This could’ve been a little more ideally but I decided to skip my Friday “easy” ride and take Lindsay out for an anniversary dinner instead (I chalk this up to being a hopeless romantic…..or maybe I’m just learning the art of self-preservation?).
- Felt strong on the long bike, at a pace that I was happy with at this stage
- Cut the running miles roughly in 1/2 (16 miles this week), but this was strategic, b/c next week my bike goes in for a tune up, which means big “run week” for me.
- Got 3 solid sessions in the pool and was able to do an endurance set of nearly 80% race distance today…..certainly not at race speed yet, but not terrible.
- Need to keep a close eye on my intake: Getting pretty lean, which is good, but have to make sure I stabilize for a while and not get down to goal-race-weight too early. Probably need to start tracking my nutrition more closely.
- Body is tired from an intense week; knees are feeling it, achilles is still barking now and again, but no breakdown at this point.
- Bigger running week – partly by choice, partly by consequence (bike tune-up) – but it’ll be good to get a long run in….I’m due.
- Need to keep building endurance in the pool…..but at this point, need to start mixing in some intensity as well.
- Bike will depend on weather (apparently monsoon season is here, which we need badly, so no complaints), but would like to get at least 2 rides in.
- All said, it’s my “down week” though……so need to prioritize recovery as well……according to my training log, I’m running a bit too much of a deficit in training stress……and need the rest……Amen to that.
- Fuel Management: Still not taking in enough fluids….better, but not there yet
- Fuel Management: Definitely not enough calories either…..this will make a big difference…..IMPORTANT
- Transitions: This is free time….need to start working on it….big area of opportunity for me
- Equipment: Some odds and ends to get….but also looking to replace my cycling shoes soon.
- HEAT Management: The great equalizer.
Game on,
Mike E.