#51: I’ve committed (no, not “been committed”)
Last week I totally blew it. I realized on Monday that the “thing I was forgetting to do” (don’t you hate that feeling?) turned out to be my weekly blog. Oops. So I’m going to condense 2 weeks into one here. Soo much going on….so much to cover…..
3 down, 1 scheduled, 46 to go…..OK, this could take a while.
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Will these guys be at the finish line? I sure hope so. |
I finally did it, I registered for my next race, the Rehoboth Beach Marathon in Delaware on 12-10-11. I’ve been talking about doing it and been notching up the training a little to see how my body would respond and overall, I’m feeling pretty good. So I decided enough talking about it….I’ve been loosely targeting a 50-in-50 (1 marathon in each state) and although not an aggressive target by any stretch, this gives me state number 4 (PA, FL, UT, DE). Next year with Ironman US Championships (NYC) I’ll pick up state 5 and be 10% of the way there…..clearly this is a slow-steady goal.
The last couple of weeks have been about getting my running base up and stretching out my total weekly volume. I’m using a up-3, down-1 plan, which is a bit more traditional to long-course triathlon (i.e. step up in volume or intensity each week for 3 weeks and then use week 4 as a recovery week) than marathon, but I find that I respond well to this type of training plan b/c I’m able to push a little harder in my build weeks….but the pushing has its price and I welcome the recovery week. Two weeks ago I started to build and got 36 training miles in (including a 16 miler and a recovery swim); This past week I kept the overall miles about the same (37), but brought my long run up to +/- 19 and inched up the intensity with a hard 10 miler and 8 earlier today as part of a brick (i.e. immediately following an 19-ish mile bike ride). The good news is, I felt really strong on most of the 19 miles; got tired and lost some pace near the end, but overall I felt solid. I was pretty dead-legged on the 10 miler two days later, which is somewhat to be expected, but my pace didn’t suffer too badly, a good sign; and my brick went surprisingly well……maintained a solid pace throughout the run and although I was working, I never felt like I was laboring…..this is great.
I’ve continued to search for the right combination that’s going to keep me strong and pushing without EVER running into the stomach debacle that occurred in St. George. It is so important to have this right, it’s literally the fourth discipline (Swim-Bike-Run-Fuel) b/c you can be great at all 3 and be completely derailed if the fueling is off. So, not unlike the philosophy that got us to opening the Fuel Good Cafe’ as part of BaseCamp31, I am actively searching and learning. A few weeks back Eric turned me on to a product that he himself was turned onto by Julie who was turned onto it by another super-runner from the area (not sure he wants to be mentioned, so I’ll leave him anonymous, but for now just know the guy is thoroughbred…..has placed top 10 American in the marathon)……it’s a bit too early to mention the product quite yet, but I’ve now tested it x2 and I’m impressed. The concept is slow release energy (as opposed to the fast-acting sugar based products) which means it can last longer before refueling and is liquid based which should help with stomach clearing. So far I’m a fan. I ran for 2 hours and 30 minutes last week without taking ANY supplemental calories or sugar. If I tried this with my traditional fueling methods I’d be at minimum “bonking” and more likely a dazed and confused hypoglycemic mess……more to come as my n of 1 study results continue to come in.
MindsetBeen feeling pretty good lately…..my R-hip is still barking here and there, which is a bummer, but overall I’m not yet at the part in the training where I start questioning the value of this whole thing. That’s a good thing. Workouts have been strong and the body is recovering well. Would like to add more swimming and cycling when I can, but right now running is king. Adding to my mental-fuel lately is without doubt the time of year and all the “amazing” that comes with it. Whether it be Lindsay getting ready to do her first marathon in 10+ years, Eric making a serious claim for a sub-3 hour marathon, Nick completing his first “ultra” despite a few hiccups along the way, Michelle & Wandy doing the Koman 3-day 60 miler, the NJ-NYTC athletes training hard chasing their dreams, the great feedback we received on OhFar-2011 our corporate wellness screening team performing at a very high level, our clients & friends who are achieving or just the positive vibe that BaseCamp31 is starting to generate, it continues to be a wild, yet wildly-inspiring ride for me. I know that I am lucky to be surrounded by so many passionate people and even when life is tough…..and it often is……there is so much energy to draw from…..mindset is frazzled now and again, but on the whole, good.
More inspiration on the menu
In addition to training ramping back up and committing to Rehoboth Beach, I’m really pumped about the event coming to BaseCamp31 on 11/7. Marshall Ulrich, the ultra-endurance phenom is coming to run with a few of us, tell his story, sign (and hopefully sell a few) books and put his mark on BaseCamp31. In an effort to prepare I’ve started reading his book “Running on Empty”. I’m only 50 or so pages in so far, but this is a pretty amazing guy, literally fulfilling my personal mission: be a doer of extraordinary things and I can’t wait to meet him and hear his story.
So until then……I leave you with a quote I was told by a guy who started as a client, but has become a friend……he is a passionate guy and someone who I think will do great things…..one day this quote just arrived as a text….he must have known I’d love it. When I asked him about it, he simply said: “This quote should be on the wall at BaseCamp”…..and although he’s never been in the place…..he was absolutely right. Thanks Brian.
“Today I will do what others won’t…….so that tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t” – Jerry Rice
Mike E.